Noctiluca watching boat tour of Ine Bay

The Ine Town Tourism Association specially charters a sightseeing boat around Ine Bay and holds a tour every May to search for the sea jewel “Yokomushi”. If you can see it shining in the sea at night, it will surely leave an impression on your heart as an unforgettable memory of your trip.


Date: Mid-May every year

What is Noctiluca?

Noctiluca is a marine plankton, a creature that produces and emits light in the same way as fireflies and deep-sea fish. Since it is a small creature of about 1 mm to 2 mm, it does not look very shining when the number is small, but when it occurs in large numbers, it becomes shining.

In addition, because it has the property of emitting light in response to physical stimuli, it looks more brilliant at the beach or near a ship underway. It is held every May.

nameNoctiluca watching tour of Ine Bay on a pleasure boat
Street address11 Hide, Ine-cho, Yoza-gun, Kyoto 626-0425
applicationInemachi Tourism Association (0772-32-0277)